Sonntag, 20. Dezember 2009

Pixie Bob Kittens - assertive and graceful cats

Pixie Bobs make great pets because they are assertive cats and they are graceful and full of confidence. When you look into the face of a Pixie Bob, you almost have to wonder if you are the one being studied as their eye contact can be quite intense. If you adopt Pixie Bob kittens at a young age you will enjoy their sweetness of heart and form a strong lasting bond. You can train Pixie Bob kittens to fetch and retrieve, giving you both hours of fun and excitement. Consider looking at Pixie Bob kittens for your next pet, you won’t be disappointed.

Donnerstag, 17. Dezember 2009

Pixie Bob Kittens - How much does it cost?

Here are some things that you should consider when adopting Pixie Bob kittens.. Look for a guarantee that it is healthy. Breeding Pixie Bob’s will cost between $500 to $1500. Check the kitten to make sure it carries a good strong muscle tone, that’s part of their characteristics, besides heavy bone structure. There should not be any sign of sniffling or sneezing and clean, pink ears are a good sign. It is not a good sign if you see dry flaky skin or bald patches, the fur should be woolly and thick. Check Pixie Bob kittens for what looks like black sand, as this could be a sign of fleas.

Montag, 14. Dezember 2009

Pixie Bob Kittens - Smart, Active and Social

When you adopt Pixie Bob kittens you will be handsomely surprised at how smart, active and social these kittens are. They are just a tad different then domesticated cats, because they don’t meow like a regular house cat. Instead they make chatters and chirping sounds, which is very unlike house cats. Pixie Bob kittens are highly sociable and have a very outgoing personality. Once they are adopted they become very attached and affectionate towards their owners. They enjoy playing ball and walking on a leash is a treat, with their master. They are capable of learning words and phrases from their owners.

Freitag, 11. Dezember 2009

Pixie Bob Kittens - What They Look Like

If you are considering adopting Pixie Bob kittens, then you need to realize that they will mature into a rather large size breed. Males reach about 18 lbs and females 14 lbs. Okay there is more to love and you definitely will love adopting cute Pixie Bob kittens. Now that I have your interest, you are wondering what these adorable Pixie Bob kittens look like. They usually have white fur, with black tipped ears and fluffy hair extending from the ears. Chins are white usually with black whiskers, but some may turn to white. The overall body color is white with good sized spots and some stripes on the lower portions of the legs and a short tail.

Dienstag, 8. Dezember 2009

Pixie Bob Kittens

Many people have never heard of this fairly new breed of cat. It’s called a Pixie Bob and this is one really cool looking cat. How would you like to adopt a miniature version of the North American Bobcat, because that is pretty much what this adorable feline looks like. You would be amazed at how cute and cuddly a litter of Pixie Bob kittens can be! Pixie Bob kittens go through quite a transformation when their eyes change from blue, to green and in most cases they finally turn gold. Although some will be gold and retain a smidgen of a green tint.